Foods That Endanger the Health of Your Gums

You might not be conscious about what you take in, but the foods that you eat everyday tremendously affect your gum health. Eating unhealthy foods that are detrimental to your teeth reflect the gravity of danger it has on your overall wellness. Unhealthy food choices and eating patterns strongly manifest itself with young children and […]

Early Concerns of Gum Disease You Need to Talk to Us About

Periodontitis or gum disease is a serious condition that not only affects your overall health but your confidence as well. When a stream of symptoms appearing, it is best to have it checked by our professional dentists so you can catch it in its progressive stage. Some periodontal conditions are reversible when caught in time […]

How is Gum Disease Officially Diagnosed?

Gum disease is a serious oral health issue. It starts out as gingivitis. Your gums become irritated, inflamed, and bleed when you brush and floss. This stage is often missed, and the disease continues to get worse. Your gums pull away from your teeth, and bacteria fall below the gum line. Your gums recede, your […]

Do You Need a Graft for Your Gums?

Gum recession is often associated with gum disease. Your gum tissue becomes inflamed, pulling away from your teeth. As the pockets grow deeper, your tissue continues to pull away, causing recession. Another common cause of gum recession is brushing too hard. One way of dealing with recession is with a gum graft, but how do […]

Specialties of a Periodontist

There are two things that periodontists specialize in over other aspects of dentistry – gum disease, also known as periodontitis, and caring for the other structures of the teeth, such as the jaw. This allows your periodontist to be able to help with many different ailments within the mouth. If your regular dentist has suggested […]

Problems with an Exposed Root

If you have any type of gum recession, you likely are to the point of having either a partially or totally exposed root. This can become a painful condition. Part of the reason that gum disease needs to be treated as early as possible, and prevented whenever possible, is that it can do a lot […]

Managing Pain After Gum Reshaping

Gum reshaping is a cosmetic dental procedure. When your gums sit too high or too low on the teeth, or the line is uneven, it can cause an aesthetic concern. Gum reshaping (gum contouring, tissue sculpting) is used to even out your gum line, giving you a beautiful smile you will love showing off. Is […]

Is Gum Regeneration Possible After Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a serious condition that can lead to several problems if left untreated. The earliest stages of gum disease cause red, swollen gums. These stages are also easily reversible. However, as it progresses, more issues begin to present themselves. A common symptom of gum disease is gum recession. In order to put a […]

Can Emdogain Help Treat Gum Disease?

Have you been diagnosed with gum disease and are looking for non-surgical treatment methods to help correct it? Consider talking to your dentist about Emdogain to see if you are a candidate. This treatment option is relatively new and can encourage your body to grow new tissue. How Emdogain Works Emdogain essentially works by tricking […]