Signs Your Gum Disease Treatment is Helping

If you have been undergoing treatment for gum disease, you know that it can be tempting to wonder if it’s making any difference. Between the rigorous cleaning, the frequent trips to our office, and even (in some cases) surgery, there is definitely a great deal involved in treating gum disease. So here are some things […]

Foods That Cause Damage to Your Gums

There is an old saying that you are what you eat This can mean many different things. When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums the diet you follow plays a bigger role than you may realize. There are many foods that can damage your gums. Foods That Cause Oral Problems When […]

Flossing Can Help Keep Gum Disease Away

No one wants to deal with tooth pain. The worse the pain is, the bigger the problem usually is. Pain is one of the symptoms of gum disease. Instead of worrying about how you can fix the problems associated with gum disease, it is much better to find ways to prevent it from ever happening. […]

What Is Peri-implantitis?

Peri-implantitis is an inflammation, very similar to periodontal disease, that affects the soft and hard tissues surrounding an implant. This condition is usually caused by the loss of the supporting bone, bleeding when probed or sometimes an increased pocket depth between the teeth and the implant. Causes of Peri-implantitis Cases of peri-implantitis can be quite […]

Ways of Keeping Your Gums Healthy at Home

Healthy gums and teeth is the goal of our team of professionals here. Brushing twice daily with a soft bristle brush, flossing at least once daily, and visiting us regularly will all go to help you keep a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile. Aside from getting professional cleanings and X-rays as needed, there are […]

Could You Need a Frenectomy Prior to Getting Dentures?

If the frenum is interfering and causing your dentures to fit loosely, then you may need to get a frenectomy surgery, a procedure that reshapes and repositions the frenum to prevent the dentures from shifting or pulling. What is the Frenum? The frenum is a muscular attachment between two tissues. In the mouth, the frenum […]

Is It Painful When Your Gums Recede?

The aging process causes our bodies to change in many ways. One of the things that people notice as they get older is their gums begin to recede. The age at which this starts and the amount the gums raced varies. One of the things that some people worry about is whether receding gums are […]

Is Any Type of Tobacco Safe for Your Gums?

It is hard for a person that uses tobacco to stop. They know that there are many health risks associated with the use of tobacco, but they find it hard to stop. That makes them wonder if there are any tobacco products they can use that pose fewer health risks. They wonder if there is […]

Can Not Brushing Your Tongue Contribute to Gum Disease

Not brushing your tongue can lead to a lot of different oral problems. You may brush and floss twice a day and keep up on your oral hygiene, but those who do not brush their tongue may be causing more problems for their mouth unintentionally. You see, bacteria does not just live on the teeth […]

Can Tofu Improve Your Gum Health?

If you are thinking about adding new foods to your diet, then you want to think about not only what is going to benefit your physical health, but also your oral health. You will find that many foods have a high amount of vitamins and minerals in them, but you also need them to have […]