Things to Avoid When You Have Dental Crowns
Dental crowns can greatly improve the looks of a smile and therefore are popular restorations. To ensure their longevity, you need to care for them like you do natural teeth.
What Happens During Gum Graft Recovery?
Sometimes, a gum graft is necessary to save teeth that have been damaged or weakened from periodontal disease. When we perform the surgery, you also need to know what steps to take to reach a full recovery. The following information gives you a basic overview of what to expect.
Can Birth Control Lead to Higher Chances of Developing Gum Disease?
Gum disease can be caused by poor dental health or by hormonal changes. It may result from taking certain medications. Therefore, we often have to check the underlying cause of an infection before we proceed with a periodontal treatment plan.
Times Where Crown Lengthening Could Improve Your Oral Health
Crown lengthening is a necessary procedure that is used to repair a tooth when it has been broken or cracked. They can also help to complete dental procedures that include the following: dental implants, root canals, or bridges. The trick is that the crown needs to be able to fix firmly to your existing tooth. […]
Options for Gum Repair if You Want Dental Implants
Getting dental implants is a good step in taking care of your dental health. Dental implants are one of the only restorative methods that facilitate jawbone growth. Besides looking like natural teeth, dental implants are made of strong materials that can last a lifetime if taken care of. Before getting dental implants, it’s important to […]
What Can Be Done to Prevent Additional Gum Recession?
As one of the more trademark signs of gum disease, gum recession is not only unsightly, it can make your tooth more vulnerable to decay and loss. Once your gums do start to draw back, they’ll require surgical intervention to restore them; receding gums simply do not grow back on their own. While preventing gum […]
What Parts of the Body Are Affected When You Do Not Treat Gum Disease?
The effects of gum disease are most evident in the mouth. Pink and swollen tissue, bleeding gums, and loose or missing teeth are all symptoms of gum disease. However, many people do not realize that the problems caused by gum disease do not stop in the mouth. On the contrary, gum disease can affect parts […]
How is Gum Disease Diagnosed?
Gum disease is a condition that can progress quite rapidly without many warning signs. Especially in its early stages, gum disease may not be overly obvious as it develops. As such, many people who have gum disease may not even know it until it is diagnosed by their dentist. Here are the ways that dental […]
Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels Can Help Treat Your Gum Disease
Periodontal disease is incredibly common, and with half of American adults struggling with some degree of this disease, finding new ways to reduce the incidence of it is critical. The link between elevated cholesterol levels is well documented; reduced circulation caused from high cholesterol can lead to heart attack, stroke, and — of course — […]
Preparing Your Gums for Future Dental Implants
If you’ve decided you want dental implants, you know that your gums and jaw bone are going to play an important part in replacing your teeth. You’re going to want to take the time to prepare your gums for having implants placed in them. If you know you’re not going to be able to have […]