What is Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is a procedure where the gum tissue is removed through a surgical procedure. It can be used to treat gingivitis. Gingivectomy also removes extra gum tissues for cosmetic purposes such as improving one’s smile. Gingivectomy can be recommended if one has gum recession from gum injury, bacterial infection, gum diseases, and aging. These procedures […]

What I Need to Know Before and During a Periodontal Procedure

For individuals with severe gum inflammation, a periodontal procedure may be recommended to remove bacteria that have crept in beneath the gum line, making brushing and flossing teeth easier. A periodontal procedure also helps reshape the bone structure, strengthen the support and prevent future gum infection. Preparation for a Periodontal Procedure Before a periodontal procedure, […]

Teeth Scaling Treatment: All You Need to Know

Dental scaling, also known as teeth scaling, is a standard procedure performed to remove plaque and tartar from teeth. Tartar is a form of plaque that is hardened and can only be removed with special dental instruments. If you leave this untreated, tartar can lead to gum disease and other oral health problems. What Is […]

What is a Tooth Gap?

It is also diastema and is the gap found between teeth. It can be located in between any teeth. Diastema is not destructive, and it usually appears in children and adults. For children, the gap is fixed when permanent teeth replace the shedding milk teeth. Having gap teeth is not a deficiency, and its treatment […]

Teething for Children

A baby is born without teeth and the new set of teeth begin teething at about 6 months. The teething process can be an experience not so comfortable for your child. Teething with children is not a comfortable experience there is sore gums, temperature increase, excessive drooling, or chewing of objects. Make a dental visit […]

Is It Painful To Undergo A Gum Graft?

You may need a gum graft if you have receding gums as a result of periodontal disease. If your teeth are appearing longer than they should and you have increased sensitivity due to an exposed tooth structure, your gums may be contributing to the problem. Luckily, there is a solution for repairing receded gums that […]

Gum Recession Could Shorten The Life Of Your Teeth

Your teeth are created to be tough enough to last a lifetime. And although they undergo constant wear and tear due to years of biting and eating, they continue to function as desired and look attractive even into your senior years. The enamel, which is the hardest substance within the body, keeps the teeth resilient […]

Dental Implants Aren’t Purely Cosmetic Or Aesthetic

Aesthetics or functionality may have been the things early dental pioneers were aiming for. However, there are other benefits that these restorations offer. Today we know that implants are quite a skin deep, just like the real teeth. Besides, implant technology has advanced, helping dentists to perform the procedures more safely and increasing the success […]

Are Dental X Rays Safe?

When you come to our practice, our periodontists use modern techniques to diagnose dental problems. Dental X-rays are one of the modern techniques available at our clinic, which is effective in diagnosing the exact cause of dental issues affecting patients. Images from X-rays can show areas in your dental structure where your gums or teeth […]

The Risk for Gum Disease Increase While Wearing Braces

After your child receives braces to correct a poor bite, you may notice that the gums are swelling and turning red. These are symptoms of the mild or less serious version of periodontal disease referred to as gingivitis. Gum disease is an oral infection that occurs after plaque is not properly removed from the teeth […]