What Benefits Do You Get After Crown Lengthening?

Woman at dentist considers getting crown lengthening treatment.Excess gum tissue can greatly affect your smile. Even if your teeth are perfectly healthy and straight, too much tissue can make them appear small, and give you a “gummy” smile. This can lead to a lack of confidence as you try, at every opportunity, to hide your smile. A crown lengthening procedure fixes your gummy smile and has a number of benefits.

What is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a procedure that involves making your teeth appear longer. It is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess gum tissue to reveal more surface area of your teeth. In some instances, it may also involve the removal of some bone to give your teeth a longer appearance. But a more natural smile is not the only benefit.

Only One Treatment

Unlike many dental procedures that require you to return to the office on several different occasions, crown lengthening only requires a single appointment. After the procedure is done, you will not need to undergo another one. You won’t need to go back for touch-ups, or perform any touch-ups at home.

Smile Symmetry

One of the biggest reasons for having a crown lengthening procedure done is to improve your smile. Too much gum tissue makes your teeth appear short, or uneven. Crown lengthening gets rid of the excess gum tissue and gives you a natural, beautiful, symmetrical smile. As a result, you will have more confidence and be much more willing to smile.

Better Oral Health

Another major reason crown lengthening is performed is for oral health reasons. The procedure is often recommended if you have a tooth that has cracked below the gum line. Rather than removing it, gum tissue is removed in order to place a crown and save the damaged tooth. The procedure also helps the gum tissue to secure snugly around a tooth or crown, sealing out bacteria and preventing infection from bacteria.

Crown lengthening is a quick procedure with numerous benefits. For more information on the procedure and what it can do for you, be sure to contact your dentist. If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more, please contact us today.