Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?

If you are considering getting dental implants, the cost of the procedure is almost certainly one of the things at the forefront of your mind. To be sure, dental implants do cost more than other forms of dental constructions. Dentures, bridges, crowns, and other are usually less costly and require a small-time commitment, as well. […]

How Gum Disease Progresses

Have you been told that you have gum disease? If so, and if it is still in its early stages, you should know that it is highly treatable without drastic intervention, at least until it reaches more advanced stages. Here is how gum disease progresses. Early Gum Disease At its initial stage, gum disease is […]

Does Birth Control Increase Your Risk of Gum Disease?

For many women, taking birth control is an easy and effective way of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Still, for all its benefits, oral birth control can have a few drawbacks. One of these is an increase in the chances of developing gum disease. If you are taking birth control, or if you are considering doing so, […]

Do Receding Gums Prevent You From Getting Implants?

Receding gums expose the roots of your teeth. This is something you must deal with before you can get dental implants because you need a stable, enough jawbone and healthy gum tissue for them to be successful. The best way of dealing with this is by having gum grafts. Why You Can’t Get Dental Implants […]

Do Gums Recede Naturally with Age?

You may look in the mirror one day and notice a receding hair line, but have you ever considered a receding gum line? The gums may naturally recede from the teeth over time, but unlike the receding of your hairline, the receding of your gum line can be quite dangerous to your dental health. Gum […]

Can Mouthwash Without Alcohol Make Gum Disease Treatment Easier?

First, it is important to mention that gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque on the teeth and gums. This bacteria is called plaque and is the main contributor to gum disease. When plaque builds up, the gums become inflamed and red, inevitably leading to an advanced disease called periodontitis. Periodontitis is then […]

Preparing Your Gums for Future Dental Implants

If you’ve decided you want dental implants, you know that your gums and jaw bone are going to play an important part in replacing your teeth. You’re going to want to take the time to prepare your gums for having implants placed in them. If you know you’re not going to be able to have […]

Is Bruxism Related to Gum Disease?

If you’re grinding your teeth at night, it could actually be damaging your gums to the point that you’ve developed gum disease. Bruxism on its own can cause a number of issues, but when you’re grinding your teeth and dealing with other oral health problems at the same time, everything can be made worse. We’ll […]

Does Gum Disease Increase Prostate Symptoms?

When you hear the word gum disease, you may assume that the issues with that are all in the mouth. While gum disease does impact your oral health, that does not mean it does not affect your overall health. Gum disease can create many other issues in the body, including heart problems, circulation issues and […]

Breast Cancer and Gum Disease Are Linked – Learn More

Having a healthy smile isn’t just about maintaining appearances; new research indicates that there is a strong correlation between periodontal disease and breast cancer in post-menopausal women. In a longitudinal study that followed almost 74,000 women, researchers discovered that women who had persistent gum disease were significantly more likely to develop breast cancer when compared […]