What to Know if You Need a Gum Graft
Gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to some significant issues. It starts out with an infection in just the gums, but as it progresses, it can affect your teeth and even the jawbone. One effect of gum disease is receding gums, which can cause severe problems. If this happens, you may need a gum […]
Can Your Child’s Gums Recede?
If you know anything about gum disease, you probably know that your gums can start to pull away from your teeth if the condition isn’t treated – a symptom known as gum recession. What you might not be sure about is whether recession can affect your child. In most cases, gum recession occurs in adults […]
Can a Mouth Guard Attribute to Periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a more severe stage of gum disease. It has advanced beyond gingivitis, which is only located in the gums. It has progressed beyond the gums, possibly having a significant effect on your teeth and even the jawbone. Grinding your teeth, bruxism, can cause gum disease. It can recede your gums, allowing bacteria to […]
Avoid Smoking if You Want to Prevent Implant Failure
Dental implants are one of the best, long-term solutions to tooth loss available. When you have dental implants, the replacement tooth is implanted directly into your jawbone, where it fuses to become a permanent part of your smile. While dental implants are long-lasting, there are some situations that can cause them to fail, and smoking […]
The Relationship between Smoking and Gum Disease
It seems to be common knowledge that smoking can lead to numerous adverse health effects. If you are a smoker, you might be concerned about your heart or lung health, but you shouldn’t neglect how your bad habit could affect your mouth. By better understanding the relationship between smoking and gum disease, you can take […]
Should You Drink Green Tea During Periodontal Treatment?
Periodontal disease is an infection in the areas surrounding your teeth. It can start in the gums but can quickly spread to other areas, potentially leading to damage in the structures that hold your teeth, causing them to come loose and even fall out. Fortunately, this problem can be treated. And, during treatment, the consumption […]
Can Periogen Help to Fight Gum Disease?
Gum disease is an inflammatory condition that affects the tissues that support the teeth, including the gums, bone, ligaments, and cementum. In its earliest forms, gum disease can be reversible, but if left untreated, the condition may worsen to the point where you need treatment. In some cases, invasive treatment options like surgery are recommended, […]
Is Marshmallow Root the Key to Healthier Gums?
When you think about marshmallows, the first images to pop up in your head are probably s’mores or a fluffy white topping for a mug of hot chocolate. It may be difficult to comprehend that something used to create this sugary treat could actually benefit your health. However, marshmallow root can actually be beneficial for […]
Causes of Bad Breath
Halitosis is not only a scary word; it is also a smelly situation. Many people of all ages experience halitosis, or bad breath, sometime in their life. The causes of halitosis are many. Diet, poor habits, and diseases, both oral and systemic, are the main contributors of this embarrassing condition. Diet Can you believe that […]
All about Treating Gingivitis
Have you been diagnosed with gingivitis? This earliest form of gum disease is extremely common, manifesting in symptoms of bleeding gums, dry mouth, persistent bad breath, and other problems. Gingivitis can be the sign of a more serious problem, and it can lead to the development of other health conditions. If your dentist tells you […]