What Are the Different Stages of Gum Disease?

Not all cases of gum disease are the same. It is possible to describe gum disease in stages. The stages range from the mild cases to the severe. There are different symptoms for the different stages. Treatment for the gum disease depends in part on what stage it is in. It is a good idea to know and understand what the different stages of gum disease are.

Listing the Stages

There are three stages of gum disease. Gum disease is a result of a buildup of bacteria on the teeth and gums. The bacteria form plaque which leads to the different stages of gum disease. The longer the plaque remains on the teeth and gums, the worse the gum disease will get.

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. In this stage the buildup of plaque is mostly ion the teeth and the gumline. The bacteria continue to grow in the plaque. The result is the gums become inflamed and sore. It is possible to notice bleeding of the gums when brushing to harshly. The stage of gingivitis is the earliest form of gum disease and the easiest to treat. It is possible to remove the plaque through a professional cleaning at our offices and through improved oral hygiene habits.

The second stage of gum disease is periodontitis. Periodontitis is the result of not treating gingivitis. The continued growth of bacteria and the formation of more plaque begins to damage the bone and connective fibers. These are the structures that support the teeth. The bacteria and plaque begin to form pockets beneath the gumline. These pockets become another place for bacteria to grow, making this stage of gum disease harder to treat. It will require more extensive treatments and aftercare to avoid the next stage of gum disease.

The third stage of gum disease is advanced periodontitis. The tissue and bone that hold the teeth in place have become severely damaged. Teeth become misaligned, loose or lost during this stage. The gum disease is still treatable during this stage, but it will require extensive work.

The best stage to catch gum disease is in the early stage of gingivitis. Ignoring the signs of gum disease will only lead to the next stages of the disease. Contact our offices to schedule an appointment to help you maintain good oral health.