What Happens When a Tooth’s Socket Gets Gum Disease?

The tooth socket, also known as the alveolar bone, is an important feature of your mouth. Its main job is to hold the tooth firmly in place, along with the assistance of the periodontal ligament.

When you suffer from gum disease, you usually hear about only your teeth and gums being affected, but the sockets of your teeth are also at risk.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a serious oral health issue in which bacteria have attacked your gums. The earliest stages are the easiest to reverse, but the most difficult to detect. As gum disease gets worse, bacteria begin to move below the gum line and start to attack your mouth from the inside.

What Does the Bacteria Do Under the Gums?

Once under the gums, the bacteria lead to a severe infection, which cannot be combatted by regular brushing and flossing. The bacteria attack the periodontal ligaments and the sockets of your teeth, which, without proper treatment, will ultimately lead to their destruction.

Weakened Sockets

When the sockets are degraded due to bacterial attack, your teeth are at risk. A weak socket cannot properly hold your teeth in place as well as it used to. This means that your teeth can become loose and may even fall out. And when your tooth falls out, the jawbone itself begins to deteriorate, and weaken the integrity of the rest of your teeth.

How Do You Prevent These Issues?

Prevention is your first line of defense. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing helps to reduce your risk of developing gum disease in the first place. If you do wind up with gum disease, it is important that you have it treated as soon as possible.

Signs of gum disease include:

• Red, swollen, bleeding gums.
• Tenderness.
• Receding gum line.
• Bad breath.
• Loose teeth (more advanced stage).

Gum disease in the sockets of your teeth can quickly result in lost teeth. If you notice any signs of gum disease, contact our office right away.