Is Bruxism Related to Gum Disease?

If you’re grinding your teeth at night, it could actually be damaging your gums to the point that you’ve developed gum disease. Bruxism on its own can cause a number of issues, but when you’re grinding your teeth and dealing with other oral health problems at the same time, everything can be made worse. We’ll […]

Periodontitis May Increase Risk Of Developing Dementia, Study Suggests.

Forbes (3/17) contributor Robert Glatter, MD, states that “researchers in South Korea studied the relationship between chronic periodontitis and dementia over a 10 year period,” finding those with “chronic periodontitis had a 6% higher risk for dementia compared to those without periodontitis,” even “after controlling for behaviors such as smoking, consuming alcohol, and degree of […]

Recovery from Gum Disease Treatment Must Include Careful Oral Hygiene

Getting treatment for gum disease is not fun. It does not matter what kind of treatment you have to get. Whether it is cleaning, scaling and root planing or surgery, no one wants to go through with it more than once. The key to the success of any treatment for gum disease depends on what […]

How Leaving Gum Disease Untreated Can Negatively Impact Your Mind

It is easy to ignore some of the symptoms that come with gum disease. The swelling and inflammation may subside. The pain may come and go. The bleeding gums may not bother you. There are also plenty of excuses not to seek treatment for gum disease. It costs too much. You have to wait for […]

Can Gum Tissue Regenerate?

Receding gums cause many problems. It can cause gaps or pockets between the teeth and gums. It can lead to problems with gum disease. It affects the appearance. It is not something people should ignore. There are many ways to treat the problem of receding gums, but some may wonder if it is possible for […]

How Are Gums Reshaped?

When we talk with a patient about having their gums reshaped, it is not uncommon for the patient to be a little bit anxious. After all, having your gums reshaped does qualify as a minor surgical procedure, and many people simply want nothing to do with it. However, getting your gums reshaped does not need […]

Thank You for Our Successful March Event!

[two-third] Thank you to everyone that attended our March Event by Dr. Edward Cole and Dr. Susan Sharp with Dr. Kyle at our Smile Design and Immediate Implant Placement course! We had a great time and appreciate everyone that came out. Dr. Kyle Stanley will show you how to incorporate predictable immediate implant placement and […]

SAZ Perio was on Morning Blend!

Dr. Edward Cole and Dr. Susan Sharp of Southern Arizona Periodontics discuss periodontal disease and how to replace missing teeth.