What Gum Disease Can Do to Harm Your Lungs

A person afflicted with a gum disease needs to visit his dentist to alleviate possible complications that can be threatening. Accumulated bacteria that build in the mouth can cause respiratory diseases like bronchitis and pneumonia.

The build up of these harmful bacteria can be inhaled or the infection can travel to the lower parts of the oral cavities, causing an acute condition called a trench mouth or necrotizing gingivitis.

Oral Bacteria and How It Travels to Other Body Parts

The mouth has a flora of many different bacteria and some of them are considered benign, which means they do not cause any harm.  Pathogens, which come from oral cavity, can be detrimental not just for your oral health, but for your overall health as well.

This oral microbiome is capable of bringing out some dreaded cardiovascular diseases, including pneumonia and other heart ailments. Bacteria from the gums can travel all the way to your lungs with constant dental issues that persists for an extended period of time. The initial inflammation originating from the gums and mouth can find its way traveling all the way to the lungs resulting to lung infections.

Aggravating Conditions that Increases Your Chances of Making Matters Worst

Bacterial infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia is now attributed to a risk factor of having poor dental hygiene. An existing dental disease can aggravate with neglect and bacteria looming around the oral cavity can travel down to the cardiovascular system causing severe infections.

A poor oral hygiene increases the amount of bacterial flora growing in your mouth spreading all the way down to other body parts. High prevalence can be seen in the elderly, those with debilitated immune systems, and people living in crowded communities as the infection can quickly propagate.

If you want to learn more about the link between gum disease and how it affects your lungs, simply give us a call and we’ll be happy help you.