Antibacterial Foods to Eat When Being Treated for Gum Disease

Gum disease, an infection that starts in the gums, can cause significant damage should it go untreated.  At the earliest stage, gingivitis, it is only an infection in the gums.  As it progresses, turning into periodontitis, the infection can spread, causing damage to your teeth and even the jaw bone.

When caught early on, it is easily treatable.  And there are foods, foods with antibacterial properties, that you can eat to help you speed up your recovery.


Raw garlic contains allicins, which are released when crushed or chewed.  These allicins fight bacteria and can help with gum inflammation.  It is important to know that in order for this potent component to be effective, garlic must be kept raw.  Cooking it, especially in oil, destroys allicins, rendering it ineffective.


A root, often found in powdered form and recognized by its distinct orange color is commonly used in Indian food.  This root has well known antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  It can be used externally as well as eaten, and can be quite effective when combined into a paste with raw garlic.


Known for their ability to create unpleasant breath, much like garlic, onions contain an antimicrobial agent that helps to kill bacteria, including some specific strains that lead to gum disease.  Add some slices to your salads, burgers or sandwiches and then fight off bad breath with some sugar-free gum.


Honey contains natural antibacterial enzymes that fight off bacteria.  It is important to use raw, unpasteurized honey.  Cooking honey kills those enzymes.  So, drizzle some honey over your yogurt or toast.


Ginger is a root, like turmeric, that is often used in Asian cuisine.  It is also commonly found in powered form and used for baking.  Ginger contains gingerol, which is excellent at fighting off bacteria and preventing infection, particularly in the mouth.

Gum disease is easily treatable.  Help reduce your recovery time and enjoy many delicious meals with antibacterial foods. Please contact us if you have any questions about gum disease.